
【名家給力場】疫苗消息 後市關鍵? 付費會員獨家

【名家給力場】疫苗消息 後市關鍵?





【名家給力場 - 2020年3月18日】 付費會員獨家

【名家給力場】疫情第二波 重災區轉至歐美




【漁民系列】還有誰可以獨善其身嗎? 付費會員獨家

US Equities down another 10% last night, even after Fed’s massive liquidity injection. I understand the snow slide is due to massive deleveraging. We have seen this in year 2008; but today, the low interest rates globally with massive money printed in the last decade inflated the whole world’s leveraging even worse. Thus the sell-off pressure in US Equities when the mkt is forced to deleverage as Equities price no longer holds. The sell-off pressure has infected the liquidity (like the Covid virus), across all asset classes, including the most liquid asset: US cash Treasuries. This has NEVER happened in modern financial history in my limited memory.

2019年回顧 付費會員獨家

2019年最後一個交易日,港股只有半日市,港股跟隨外圍微跌,但總結全年,恒指升逾2300點,升幅仍有約9%。 還記得年初的時候,大部分主流意見係睇港股跌破二萬點嗎?所以漁夫一向反對預測12個月後股市指數的水平,因為多數錯到七彩⋯⋯就算估中,有9成以上是靠運氣。一般人還是做趨勢投資者(Trend Follower),不作胡亂預測。